We need to talk about memes. They’re actually helpful.

6 min readFeb 6, 2021

Important insights you need to know about memes.

Leonardo DiCaprio Laughing

Memes, nowadays are a part of our society. They are just booming up day by day. I’m sure you’re a fan of memes as well. It’s not a big surprise as they are hilarious and creative.

But they are way more than just being funny. There are many undiscussed facts, thoughts, and insights that you need to know about memes.

I’ll give you a spoiler of one of the biggest benefits. WE CAN MAKE MONEY WITH MEMES!

We’ll talk about that at the end.

1. Forming Social Connections

Meme pages are in high demand nowadays. I’m sure you’re at least following one meme page. No matter if it’s on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, or any other platform.

Why not do it yourself?

If you need followers, likes, and engagement in a fun and easy way, just make a meme page on Instagram and start uploading memes, and if they’re good enough, you’ll get the attention you deserve.

Isn’t it too easy to say? Definitely, it’s fun, but it will get complicated for you if you have shit humor.

So, if you’re that one funny guy in your friend circle and you crave attention then this could be the best step you can take.

2. Awareness of Current Affairs and Issues

If you’re a meme lover, (you are I know) then you would have noticed many times that you get informed about some important event through a meme that you knew shit about earlier because you hate to watch the news. Seems familiar?

This happens with me 7 times a week and I love it. Can you believe that I came to know about this pandemic through a meme? See that, I would have died if hadn’t seen that meme. Memes are our future for news (It was a dream). Some sources provide rough info and some memes can likely explain a whole event with just a single picture with some text on it.

I wasn’t serious but from some aspect, memes are a source of enjoyment for everyone. Plus with using current events references in a witty and sarcastic way is a good idea.

3. Insecurities in Common

Everyone feels insecure about something, everyone on Earth feels insecure about something. I don’t know about Mars. In that case, you get that feeling sometimes that you’re the only one dealing with that insecurity.

That’s definitely not the case. There is a guaranteed memer in this world alive with that same problem. And one day he creates a meme out of his insecurity and guess what, in the comments section, people are like, “Wow! Same here. I thought I was the only one who loved reaction channels.”

These similarities make you feel easy and you get to laugh at it too. You might’ve heard that learn to laugh at yourself. Here it is!

4. Complex Ideas Made Easy

Memes, with enjoyment they also educate you sometimes. It has the potential to explain very complex ideas, thoughts, etc.

When a single picture with some text can explain very complex ideas, I sometimes get amazed by the creativity shown by the memers.

Just the other day, I was laid down on my bed with a packet of chips and coca-cola on my side, chilling and enjoying the memes and I see one of the algebraic formulas tied up in a meme that I had to learn for my next test.

(a-b)² = a²-2ab+b²

This meme helped me to form a picture in my mind of the formulas I had to learn and revise. I revised all the formulas using this technique. In short, this one meme helped me to learn these complex and confusing formulas with a fun image in mind. Who says memes are only to laugh? You can clear a test with one. At least, I did :)

5. Heavy Virality Potential

Memes have a pure ability to be viral. I would recommend you to read the book “Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger”.

In this book, Jonah talks about the 6 things that make certain products, ideas, etc go viral. We’ll compare memes with the principles given in this book. These principles vary on one thing “word-of-mouth”. How many people talk about it and share it.

These 6 principles are social currency, triggers, emotions, public, practical value, and stories.

Social Currency: Do people look good talking about it? Memes are made share-worthy, as people want to look good in other’s eyes. So, memes get shared for people to think they’re funny.

Triggers: Anything that makes you remember something else. For instance, you found a meme and found it relatable with one of your friends and so you tag them.

Emotion: Make people feel something and they’ll share it. Memes are mostly responsible for the emotion of joy and fun. If they laugh at it, they’ll make others laugh too by sharing.

Public: If something has a great public opinion and value then it makes a great impression on others and helps it to make viral. In the present age, people are intensely engaged in memes. The value comes to the source. For example, an Instagram meme page with a big number of followers affects credibility.

Practical Value: People like to help others and so if something provides great value to them then they are more likely to share it with others. Memes like that algebraic formula one I discussed above can be of practical help. Just as I took benefit, I shared it with my friends as well and shared the tip.

Stories: More than information, people like to share stories. And memes we all know can cover up an entire story in one picture and can make you laugh as well.

6. Be Creative and Full of Humour

You should have heard that Readers become Leaders. Match it with memes as well.

The more memes you watch the more your mind opens up for humor to come in and to combine different pictures funnily.

Creating memes will push your mind to focus and get out the creative joker inside you. So, want to train your creative muscle?

Try to make at least five memes and share them with your friends. I bet you’ll love it.

7. Easy to Create and Fun to Make

Memes are super easy to create and fun to make. Our minds are thinking 24/7. According to a new study, we get about 6,200 thoughts in one day. Many of those are share-worthy but we don’t focus on them. The funny ones.

Mix up your witty and sarcastic thoughts with the right event or a specific feeling in the form of a picture or video and you’re ready to create a meme.

It can be created easily on mobiles and PC. For mobiles download any meme generator from the play store and you’re good to go. On PC you can use software like Canva.

Open the app or software and you’ll already find thousands of templates waiting for you to touch them. Blend them up with the right ingredients and your meme is ready.


Make Money with Memes

Yes! You read it right. You can make money outta memes with not much effort. I read this quote on Twitter, have a look.

“Some people make millions, other people make memes.” J. Cole

Why not do both? Make millions with memes. Well, millions is difficult but we can earn quite a lot.

And surprisingly there is not only one way to do this, but many ways.

This is the biggest benefit you can get out of these. Some of the ways are:

Opening a Meme ETSY Shop, building an Instagram meme page, selling on other stores like Zazzle and Redbubble, making YouTube meme compilations, websites to post memes like picturepunches.com, and the most interesting one, making a Fiverr meme gig.

The last one is itself a meme. But you can give it a try as there is no high competition in it.


Memes are a great source of enjoyment and in this article, we discussed why are memes much more than a source of entertainment. And if you’re a meme lover like me, which pages or platform do you follow for memes?




I am a content writer. I like to write for a better world, for education, sharing wonderful insights about different topics.